Hodiny a Klenoty
Odebírat novinky
Event venue - LETŇANY

CONSENT - with the processing of personal data and clicking on the "REGISTER" field

1. By checking the field "Consent with the processing of personal data " on the forhomedecor.cz web site and sending personal data (first name, surname, age, address of residence, telephone number and electronic address) by clicking on the “Register” field the user provides their consent with the processing of their personal data and with dissemination of commercial notices within the meaning of the Act no. 101/2000 Coll., on personal data protection and the Act no. 480/2004 Coll. The user declares that they have made themselves familiar with the below stated information on personal data processing and with the instruction. The user agrees with their personal data, in the extent in which it has been stated in the Registration Form on the forhomedecor.cz web site, being processed by ABF, a.s., having its registered office at Mimoňská 645, 190 00 Praha 9 - Prosek, Company Reg. No.: 63080575, for the purpose of offering commerce and services, for an indefinite time period until cancellation (or cessation) of this consent.
2. The user moreover agrees with their contact data being passed by the controller of personal data to other controllers of personal data for the purpose of offering business and services. The controller of personal data as well as other data controllers can process the data provided for the declared purpose until cancellation (or cessation) of this consent. Other data controllers can be other companies with which the controller of personal data has made a contract on personal data processing.
3. The user agrees also with the use of their electronic address and telephone number for the needs of dissemination of the so-called commercial notices pursuant to the Act no. 480/2004 Coll.

By granting your consent you confirm at the same time that you have been made familiar with your right to the access to and check of your personal data processed by ABF, a.s. The user confirms that they have been made familiar with the right to access to their personal data and to correction of personal data, as well as with other rights provided for in provisions of Section 21 of the Personal Data Protection Act:

1.You can cancel your consent with the processing of your personal data at any time in writing at the correspondence address ABF, a.s., Mimoňská 645, 190 00 Praha 9 - Prosek, in the entire extent or in a part only;
2. The above mentioned consent with collection and processing of personal data lasts until the time of delivery of the written expression of the user’s disagreement with this processing to the personal data controller,
3. The personal data controller undertakes to maintain provided personal data of the user in accordance with generally binding legal regulations of the Czech Republic;
4. Personal data will be processed in both manual and automated ways in the extent in which it has been provided;
5. If the user finds out or believes that the company performs processing of their personal data in contradiction with protection of private and personal life of the user or in contradiction with legal regulations, in particular if the personal data processed is inexact with regard to the purpose of its processing, then the user can:
  • a) ask the company for explanation
  • b) require the company to remedy the situation arising this way, this may especially concern blocking, correction, completion or disposal of personal data,
  • c) if the company does not respond to the user’s satisfaction, they can contact directly the Office for Personal Data Protection upon their own initiative,
6. If the obligations imposed by the Act were breached during the processing of personal data at the data controller or the data processor, they shall be liable for that breach jointly and severally.

Plan of exhibition area

Final Report 2019

Enquiry participation
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